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Training and Awareness

Without the right corporate culture, written policies and technical controls are meaningless. Employees need to understand their role and the implication of their actions. When elements relating to culture are not well established, it can lead to enormous fines, poor employee performance and retention, a diminished brand through reputational damage, and weaker investor returns. When it comes to cyber security, the organisation’s employees are its greatest asset, but also its biggest weakness.
The risk and information/cyber security behaviours of people within an organisation can be a complex mix of awareness, their personality, the kind of training they receive and the security culture that exist across the organisation.
Risk Imperium’s effective training and awareness programs help personnel to actively take appropriate measures that reduce the people risk element of risk and information/cyber security. Risk Imperium prepares practitioners for information security management through training programs and risk assessment workshops that can be customised for their business needs.
Key Steps Risk Imperium’s five step methodology will provide you with a route to successful Cyber Security Awareness by:
1. Defining the scope 2) Designing the content 3) Establishing the baseline 4) Delivering the programme 5) Measuring and evaluating benefits, which include;
A) A focused programme, using real life examples, to enhance the security culture of the organisation. B) Comprehensive understanding of the individual’s personal role in protecting data and information. C) Improvements in the security behaviour at all levels to reduce the risk to the organisation. D) The organisation moves from a reactive to a proactive approach to current and future threats.