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IT Governance, Risk Management & Compliance

IT governance is an integral part of the overall organisation’s governance. Risk Imperium will ensure that IT governance provides a structure for aligning IT/Cyber strategy with business strategy for your organization. By following a formal framework, your organisation can produce measurable results towards achieving your strategic goals. Risk Imperium takes you through a formal program that takes stakeholders' interests into account, as well as the needs of staff and the processes they follow.

  • Risk Management Services
  • IT Security Policies, Standards & Procedures

    Risk Imperium can assist your organization in analyzing existing and developing new security policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures. Read more

  • Gap Analysis
    Risk Imperium can conduct an information security gap analysis for your organization to provide a comparison of your security program versus overall best security practices.
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  • Compliance

Across the different sectors, organisations have a legal requirement to adhere to regulatory requirements.  Compliance management is of significant importance in any industry. 
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Information Security & Risk Management

RIC can develop and implement a comprehensive IT security program that consists of key elements to identify assets & associated risks; protect the assets; detect issues/anomalies; respond to and recover from security incidents in line with the specific needs of your organization and the relative maturity of its IT security program.

  • Cyber Security Strategy
  • IT Security Program Services

    A comprehensive IT security program service can consist of many elements to identify assets & associated risks, protect the assets, detect issues/anomalies, respond to and recover from incidents based on the specific needs of your organization and the relative maturity of its IT security program.
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  • Information Security Architecture

    Risk Imperium can help your organization to design a new security architecture in line with the technology and security baseline of your organization’s current architecture.
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  • Cloud Security

    As organisations adopt cloud technology to improve speed, agility, scale and cost savings, a cloud security assessment can support and guide IT organizations tasked with protecting business-critical assets in the cloud. Read more

As organisations adopt cloud technology to improve speed, agility, scale and cost-savings, a cloud security assessment can support and guide IT organizations tasked with protecting business-critical assets in the cloud. RIC can perform a cloud security assessment which can help to identify risks, evaluate current controls, identify gaps/ weaknesses and provide recommendations tailored to your business priorities.

  • Physical & Environmental Security

Physical security is the protection of personnel, hardware, software, networks and data from physical actions and events that could cause serious loss or damage to an enterprise, agency or institution. RIC is available to assess your organization physical and environmental security controls.

IT/Cyber Audit

Cybersecurity audit means assessment and implementation of cybersecurity guidelines and standards. Risk Imperium helps organizations to manage cyber threats through audits, by evaluating the full  cybersecurity framework, which involves understanding the current state against framework characteristics, where the organisation is going, and the minimum expected cybersecurity practices across the industry or business sector. Read more

Certification and Accreditation

While ensuring that Certification(s) and Accreditation(s) match Cyber Security  Objectives, attaining and maintaining ample data security is an essential component in safeguarding information and cyber security certification and accreditation  (C&A) can play an integral role in the overall security measures that are undertaken by an organisation. Read more

Cyber Incident Response (CIR) Management

The threat of becoming a victim of a data breach is an imminent reality for all organisations. The speed at which you identify and mitigate a cyber attack or data breach makes a significant difference in controlling your costs and risk exposure. How an organisation responds to a cyber incident – its cyber resilience – can often spell the difference between failure and success. Risk Imperium helps your organisation to plan and test their readiness in responding to cyber incidents. Read more